Friday, October 24, 2008

Tip 16: Capital Letters

Kids are taught that captial letters are required for names, like Tom, Dick, or Harry. We can help by further elaborating on the different kinds of name, examples name of person (e.g Mrs Betty), building (e.g The Esplanade) , song (e.g Falling Leaves) , day (e.g Sunday), month (e.g March), movie (e.g Chicken Little), brand (e.g Google), street (e.g Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim), country (e.g England), school (e.g Loving Development Centre), room (e.g The Buzz), book (e.g The Little Red Dot) website (e.g Benefits of Honey), etc, etc, etc.

With enough examples of where they should use capital letters, they would become mindful of doing the right thing when writing any kind of names.

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