Friday, October 10, 2008

Tip 1: Terms for Relationship

Terming relationships like "uncle, auntie, cousin, niece, nephew, mother's brother, aunt's husband, father's mother, mother's mother" can be complicated for kids, especially when the children here in Singapore call practically every adult women and men, regardless of age or relations, "aunties" and "uncles"! Hence, revealing to them that there are special names in relations can prove be quite a pain for them.

What I have and found to be effective in helping them to grasp these concepts: Make use of real people whom they know in their lives and make them refer to them, so, when asking "who's your mother's mother?", they have to first place her mother (me) in their brain, then think about whom I call mother", and the answer would be "grandmother"! Another example, for "aunt's husband", they need to first picture an aunt, and think about who their husband is, and how they call this person - "uncle".

Using real life references help.

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