Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tip 39: Animal Verbs

A list of animal verns --> wolf, dog, bear, fox, crow, hawk, fish, duck, rabbit, ape, bull, worm, hare, bat, seal, ferret, hound, badger, yak, crane, goose, cow, leech, peacock, parrot, hog, squirrel away, monkey, weasel into, horse around, horse play, bull-up, snake, chicken, outparrot, pig out, swan around, cod.

wolf = to eat voraciously; gobble. Eg wolfed down five ham burgers
dog = to remain persistently attached to. Eg. He had been dogged by ill-health all his life.
bear = to be able to accept and deal with something unpleasant.
fox = to trick or confuse somebody. Eg The sly thief outfoxed all the detectives.
crow = to brag. Eg He has been crowing about his winning since morning.
hawk = to try to sell things by going from place to place asking people to buy them= peddle.
fish = to search for something or information. Eg Quit trying to fish for any information from me! Mother rummaged through her bag and fished out her handphone.
duck = To move your head or body downwards to avoid being hit or seen.
rabbit on = to talk continuously about somebody or something that is not important or interesting; to babble.
ape = to mimic somebody else behaves or talks in order to make fun of them.
bull = to push ahead or through forcefully. Eg He bulls through the press horde that encircles the car.
worm = to work (one's way or oneself) subtly or gradually; or artful or devious means. Eg She wormed her way into his confidence. He can't worm out of this situation.
hare = to move hurriedly, as if hunting a swift quarry. Eg. He went haring off after a lower-priced car.
bat = Informal To discuss or consider at length. Eg bat an idea around.
seal= to prove authenticity or attest to accuracy, quality.
ferret = to uncover and bring to light by searching. Eg ferret out the solution to a mystery.
hound = To pursue relentlessly and tenaciously; to urge insistently; nag. Eg hounded me until I agreed to cut my hair.
badger = To harry or pester persistently.
yak = To talk persistently and meaninglessly; chatter.
crane = To stretch one's neck toward something for a better view.
goose = to startle someone by pinching or poking him with a finger. Eg The CEO goosed her by the photocopier.
cow = to intimidate someone using threats or violence:
leech = to attach oneself to another in the manner of a leech.
peacock = To strut about like a peacock; exhibit oneself vainly.
parrot = to repeat words without understanding them
hog = to have more than your fair share – Eg Don't hog the biscuits. Pass them down to this end.
squirrel away =- to hide something in a secret place
monkey = fool around. Eg Let's not monkey around with this...."
weasel into = to be sneaky.
horse around = to play dangerous games, "horse play"
bull-up = to shine, or smarten up. He bulled up his uniform for inspection.
snake = to wind, The road snaked through mountain passes
chicken out - to give up out of fear
parrot = to mimic
pig out = to eat like there is no prospect of food for the next four days.
swan around = to behave arrogantly.
cod = to deceive

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