Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tip 30: Similes

1. as easy as ABC
2. as clear as crystal
3. as tinmid as a mouse
4. as blind as a bat
5. as busy as an ant/a bee
6. as clumsy as a bear
7. as a fast/swift as a dear
8. as gentle as a dove/lamb
9. as graceful as a swan
10. as happy as a lark/king
11. as obstinate as a mule
12. as proud as a peacok
13. as quiet as a mouse
14. as strong as a horse/an ox
15. as sick as a dog
16. as slippery as an eel
17. as sober as a judge
18. as good as gold
19. as like as two peas
20. as deaf as a doorpost
21. as cool as cucumber
22. as quick as lightning
23. as white as a sheet
24. as steady as a rock

1 comment:

Eric Indiana said...

You are quite courageous for trying to learn English grammar. As a native speaker, and a teacher, I've decided that it can't be learned through rational thought, but must be absorbed through immersion. I have just blogged some of my frustrations with English: