Sunday, December 11, 2016

Tip 57: "EN" in words

en route: on the way or along the way, eg I rested en route. eg There was an en route delay. Pronounced: on-root (British), n-root (American). (French-origin)

en bloc: as a whole, eg en bloc sale. Pronounced: on-blok. (French-origin)

en core: again, eg an en core of the singing performance. Pronounced: on-core. (French-origin)

Other similar words with "on" pronunciation: entourage (on-tow-rarch), entree, entrepreneur, ensemble

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Tip 56: Commonly Misused Words

  1. Not "I will revert to you" but "I will get back to you later"
  2. Not "Try to meet the dateline" but "Try to meet the deadline"
  3. Not "Many elderlies" live here" but "Many elderly live here"
  4. Not "Do it irregardless of what others think" but "Do it regardless of what others think"
  5. Not "Do not mispell my name" but "Do not misspell my name"
  6. Not "She has alot of patience" but "She has a lot of patience"
  7. Not "He has many loyal staffs" but "He has many loyal staff"
  8. Not "We bought many pieces of new equipments" but "We bought many pieces of new equipment"
  9. Not "I am a licenced seller" but "I am a licensed seller"
  10. Not "He has been adviced many times not to do this" but "He has been advised many times not to do this"
  11. Not "She has a humourous boyfriend" but "She has a humorous boyfriend"

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Tip 55: Beside Versus Besides

Beside (preposition)
Please stand beside me. (Used to mean next to)
This is beside the point (Used as a phrase to mean irrelevant point)

Besides (advert)
Besides the ice-cream, we also have fruits fro dessert. (Used to mean in addition)
Besides you, nobody knows this secret. (Used to mean apart from)
No one besides Tom is able to accomplish this mission. (Used to mean apart from)
I'm not going to the party. Besides, I was not invited. (Used to mean furthermore, moreover)