Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tip 37: Commonly Mispronounced English Words

These words are too commonly mispronounced words by Singaporeans. Do a self-check now and see if you agree!

Baggage –bagige, not bagage
Absurd – abzerd, not absurd
Abalone - aberlorni, not aberlorn
Almond - ah-men, not el-men
Awry - a-rai, not a-rie
Athlete – athleet, not atherlit
Bargain –bargin, not bargain
Bon voyage - bon vwa-yazh, not bon vor-yage
Bombing – boming, not bombing
Canopy -ca-ne-py, not ca-no-py
Chauffeur -showfur, not shawfur
Children –children, not chewren
Character - care-rek-ter, not ker-rack-ter
colleague - kor-lik, not ker-lik
Comparable – comperable, not compairable
Carribean -carri-bian, not carri-bean
Detonate -dair-te-nate, not di-toe-nate
Dud -dard, not dude
Drought -dr-out, not dr-ought
Esoteric –airsotaric, not yisotaric
February – february, not febury
Facade – fur-sard, not fair-cerd
Fragile - fr-air-gile, not fray-gile
Library –laibrary, not laibary
Lullaby – lalabuy, not loolabuy
Mischievous – mischivas, not mischiveeius
Pressure – pressure, not prejure
Regardless – not irregardless
Restaurant –restront, not restorant
Singapore - sing-ng-por, not sing-ga-por
Small fry – not fly
Tastes – teists, not tei-ses
Wednesday – wenzday, not wenesday
With regard to - not with regards to
Impotent - im-per-tent, not im-poh-tent
Informative – infourmative, not infermeitive
Often – orfen, not of-ten
Probably – probabli, not probli
Pornography - poh-no-graphy, not pour-no-graphy
Vehicle – vee-i-cal, not veeheecal
Position – perzition, not pohzition
Second – sairkend, not sairkand
Jewellery – jewelri, not jewellary
Salmon – sairmen, not cellmen or sao-men
Specific – spersific, not spairsific
Sponge -s-punj, not s-ponj
Competent – kompertent, not kompitent
Comfortable - comf-ta-ble, not comfer-ta-ble
Sword – sord, not sword
Receipt - ri-seet, not ri-seept
Wrath - roarth, not rorth
Infamous -infurmous, not infaymous
Yacht - yort, not yart
Toward - te-ward, not too-word
Trio - tree-o, not trai-o
Liaise - li-ez, not lai-ez
Soften - soffen, not sof-ten
Cuisine - ku-zine, not kiu-zine
Debut - day-biew, not di-biew
Reservoir - reser-vwar, not reser-vor
Espresso -espreso, not expreso
Poignant - poi-niant, not poi-nernt