Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tip 22: Some Commonly Mispelt Words

A list of English words which I notice Singaporeans, (including me) tend to falter when spelling them. Sometimes, we rely so much on spell check tools which allow us to conveniently choose and click on to the right spelling that we don't even know that we can't spell them correctly anymore without those tools!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Tip 21: Interested in Phonetics?

My name is pronounced as ru:ˈθ.

I love phonetics. For me, it's one of those things that you learn once and it's hard to forget. Jason said that I should start a class teaching parents that. I gave him a strange look and told him that nobody would find it useful and that the schools would be teaching phonetics to the children if it was really beneficial. Children learn words by uttering them, don't they? Then why do I like it so much? Purely for the fun and vanity of it! It's like knowing a new language.

If you understand phonetics, there is a very cool website that translates English words into phonetics. For any English word that you are not sure of its pronunciation, you can check it out there. Nevermind that it's a Japanese website, it really doesn't really. It's intuitive enough to know where you should key in the word and you just click the first left button to submit. This is good stuff; I think you can't find any free tool like this else where. (But let me know if you know of any....:) )

Here you go: